Welcome to You Me School: A journey beyond boundaries

The education we deliver offers a transformative experience crafted for students of alleges, catering to the youngest Montessori explorers to scholars aspiring for academic excellence, shaping well rounded individuals prepared to excel in their academic journeys.

YouMe School Building
YouMe School at a Glance
2 K+

Current Environment

1 +

Qualified Staff

1 +

Clubs & Activities

1 +

Active PTFA Members

Our Founder and His Dream

I was born in a remote village Khotang district. Back then, I never thought I would become what I am today.

With the vision of giving back to Nepal, we established YouMe Schools in Khotang and Biratnagar on a non-profit model. I aim to replicate my own story by transforming the future of children who are not as forutunate as most of us today. Therefore, I envision YouMe School (Biratnagar) becoming the finest and largest school in Nepal by 2030, accommodating more than 10,000 students. With these passionate future leaders, we aspire to transform the future of Nepal one day.

Thank You
Sharad Chandra Rai

Curriculum Overview

YouMe School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.
